Namo A Di Da Phat

In celebration of the ten-year anniversary of the construction of Dinh Quang Buddhist Temple (2012-2022), we published two books in gratitude for all who have supported our community: our spiritual and biological ancestors, especially in our temple lineage; the members of the Midwest Sangha and our temple communities; our local temple members, friends, and all who have supported Dinh Quang Temple through generosity of time, effort, resources, and care. We are especially grateful to our teacher, Ven. Ty Kheo Thich Thong Chanh.
Now, a third book, Now is the Time to Practice: Dharma Reflections inspired by Định Quang Temple, is available. From the Introduction:
The mindfulness verses that form the basis of these reflections were composed in 2022 and featured in book 1 of this series, Awakening the Lotus. To write each verse, I would spend time in meditation, using the subject of the accompanying photo as an object of awareness. After completing the project, I had an even deeper sense of gratitude for the profound gift that this temple offers to the Ozarks. …
Each chapter of this book contains a mindfulness verse, followed by a reflection, and closing with questions to support contemplation and practices to support application. The reflections are offered through the lens of my own understanding and practice; they are not definitive, but invitational. Our goal in publishing this book is to give to others a starting place for deepening their own practice, especially those unfamiliar with Vietnamese Buddhism, with the encouragement that you will do so with the support and guidance of your temple and teacher. …
Most importantly, the reflections, questions, and practices are to be brought into daily life. As Thầy encourages us, “Now is the time to practice.”
You can:
–Purchase at Amazon.
–Options to read online and download a digital copy will be added at a later time.
NOTE: We price these books at the cost of printing. If you would like to sponsor purchasing books that can be available to share with others who visit the temple, please contact us. Thank you!
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