Namo A Di Da Phat
In celebration of the ten-year anniversary of the construction of Dinh Quang Buddhist Temple (2012-2022), we published three books in gratitude for all who have supported our community: our spiritual and biological ancestors, especially in our temple lineage; the members of the Midwest Sangha and our temple communities; our local temple members, friends, and all who have supported Dinh Quang Temple through generosity of time, effort, resources, and care. We are especially grateful to our teacher, Ven. Ty Kheo Thich Thong Chanh.
The first book, Awakening the Lotus, is a collection of photos of the temple and grounds with accompanying mindfulness verses inspired by our temple community and practices. The second book, Abiding in the Dharma Treasure, is a self-guided tour, offering photos with brief descriptions. The third book, Now is the Time to Practice, is a collection of Dharma reflections on the mindfulness verses, offered as a support to deepen practice.
Both books are available for free to read online or download. Physical copies are available at the temple or by ordering through Amazon:

Awakening the Lotus: Mindfulness verses inspired by Dinh Quang Buddhist Temple
Read Online
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Purchase at Amazon

Abiding in the Dharma Treasure: A Self-Guided Tour of Định Quang Buddhist Temple
Read Online
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Purchase at Amazon

Now is the Time to Practice: Dharma Reflections inspired by Định Quang Temple
Purchase at Amazon
(More information here;
Online and digital download options
will be available at a future time.)

Thank you again to everyone who has helped make Dinh Quang Temple such a special place to practice the Dharma! We look forward to continuing to practice together, remembering our Teacher’s words: “Building a Buddhist temple in the United States is not easy, but the tougher the task, the more meaningful and valuable it is. While there are always certain difficulties and obstacles, as Buddhists, we understand the universal natural law and are not discouraged. When facing challenges, we instead try harder, and always dedicate ourselves for the Buddha Dharma and for the ultimate benefit of all sentient beings.”
Returning to and relying on the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha,
we aspire to practice deeply for the well-being of all.
Namo A Di Da Phat