We are grateful to be a member temple of the Dharma Teacher Order (DTO), which has provided training and study of the Buddha’s teachings to curious seekers and committed practitioners since 2000. Under the leadership and direction of The Venerable Thich Tri Hoang,
“The Dharma Teacher Order is a group of monastics and lay people who follow the Vietnamese Zen (Thien) Buddhist tradition and are interested in 1) learning more about the Dharma (Buddha’s teachings), 2) developing our spiritual practices and 3) making the Dharma available to the Western Hemisphere. We are respectful of all Buddhist traditions as well as other religious denominations and welcome interaction with all of them.”
As an outreach of DTO, the Buddhadharma Studies Institute (BSI) offers a four-year certificate program with an introduction to Buddhism and its history, scriptures, practices, and thought. The course aims to offer “a wonderful way for you to realize the aspiration of living a more conscious and balanced life and it can serve to assist you, and others, in the quest for liberation from suffering.”
Since 2022, these courses are offered online, with synchronous classes for presentations twice a month via Zoom and an asynchronous, online classroom for discussion via Canvas Instructure. Certificate students are also required to attend the annual end-of-academic-year retreat, usually held at the Mariandale Retreat Center in Ossining, New York during the last weekend of April.
Please visit the DTO and BSI websites for more information, or speak with Giac Vien at the temple.